C++20 packet serialization/deserialization library.
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 debug_with_source_location.hppThis file provides utility functions for debugging and assertion handling
 debug_without_source_location.hppProvides utility functions for debugging and assertion handling without source location information
 endianness.hppProvides functions and utilities for handling endianness conversions
 format.hppChecks if format std library exists
 posix.hppProvides platform-specific definitions and utilities for POSIX-compliant systems
 spdlog.hppProvides integration with the SPDLOG library for efficient logging and debugging
 win.hppProvides general Windows-specific utilities and includes necessary headers
 callback-system.hppDefines a callback system for managing and executing callback functions
 common-structures.hppDefines common data structures and types that can be used anywhere
 converter.hppProvides functions for converting between different data types
 debug.hppContains debugging-related macros and utilities for assisting with debugging tasks
 library-pch.hppPrecompiled header (PCH) file for common headers used across the library
 macro.hppDefines macros and constants for various purposes
 mal-toolkit.hppMain header file for the MAL Toolkit library, providing a comprehensive set of tools and utilities
 measurer.hppImplements performance measurement and profiling utilities
 stl-helpers.hppProvides helper functions and extensions for the C++ Standard Library
 string.hppImplements string manipulation and formatting functions
 template.hppDefines template classes and functions used in the project
 timer.hppImplements timer utilities for measuring elapsed time and intervals
 uuid.hppDefines utilities for working with Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs)
 win-utils.hppProvides various Windows-specific utility functions and macros